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FDIC-Insured—Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Take control of your debit card through your mobile device, making it easy to set alerts, prevent fraud, and manage your spending.


Fraud Protection

Real-time alerts keep you informed when your card is used, and card may be turned on and off 24/7 to prevent or allow purchases or withdrawals. Transaction controls allows your card to work only in specific locations or geographic areas. You can also prevent your card from being used outside of the United States except for ‘allowed’ countries when traveling.

Control Spending

Set spending limits for general use or specify thresholds by merchant types, such as gas, groceries, or retail stores. You may also establish controls by location and change parameters via your mobile device.

Business Use

Use transaction controls for merchant codes, locations, transaction types, and thresholds to ensure employee spending adheres to company policies.

InterBank Mobile App with Card Manager

Getting started

1. Enroll in Online Banking

Card Manager is accessed through the InterBank Mobile App which requires an active Online Banking account.

Enroll in Online Banking
2. Download the mobile app

Once you have successfully downloaded and logged into the InterBank Mobile App, go to the Accounts Page/Quick Links and click the “My Cards” link. The first time you click this link, you will be directed to download the Card Manager app from the app store. After this app is installed you will continue to access Card Manager by going to the InterBank Mobile App and clicking the “My Cards” link.

Download for iPhone®Download for Android®
3. Adding your debit card(s)

Click the “Add Card” link and input the requested info, including card number, 3-digit security code, expiration date, address the card is registered under, and the last 4 digits of the primary cardholder’s SSN/TIN.


For detailed instructions/help on any page, click the menu icon in the upper right corner of the app and select “Help With This Page” and use the “Tell me more” link at the bottom of pages if applicable.

Card Manager Menu

Card Manager Menu: (Top right corner of screen)
Transactions: Recent transactions for all cards
Messages: Recent Card/Transaction alerts
Contact Us: Address, Phone, Email address to contact InterBank
Legal and Help: Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Help Information
Help with this Page: Use within any screen of the app for more details on that specific page
Manage Portfolio: Add/Remove Cards and Accounts
Settings: Add personal info, set primary device, set ‘do not disturb’ times, enable/disable Touch ID
InterBank Mobile: Link to the InterBank Mobile app

Card On/Off Switch

When green, this means the card is “on” and may be used. When red, this indicates the card is “off” and no purchases may be made. You can enable/disable the card 24×7 with the “Card On/Off” switch.

Control Preferences

These settings are used to set Blocks based on location, merchant/transaction types, or one-time transaction limits. You must have Location Services and Location Tracking enabled on your phone and the phone must be set as the primary device in the settings menu for these Blocks to function properly.


Use the My Location or My Region option to Block an “in-person” transaction taking place away from your device or away from the Region you are currently located in.

If using “My Location” be sure you have the primary device set appropriately under “Settings” in the Card Manager menu, and you have the primary device with you when making in-person transactions.

Define your ‘Region’ by clicking “Add Region” and zooming in on the map until the precise area you want to include is displayed on the map.

Use the International option to deny all “in-person” transactions taking place outside of the United States. If traveling, you can add countries to this list where transactions will be allowed. Some additional countries may have a temporary block in place by the InterBank Fraud Department. Card Manager location controls will not affect these blocks and all transactions in these countries will be denied. Contact your local branch for an updated list of blocked countries.

Merchant Types

You may limit the type of merchants from this screen. For instance, if you only wanted the card to be used for fuel purchases, only allow “Gas Station” merchants and disable all other merchant types.

Transaction Types

You may limit the type of transactions from this screen. For instance, enable the “ATM” Merchant type and disable all others to prevent online or in-store purchases, etc.

Spend Limits

You may limit the amount of a single transaction with this option. The Spend Limit option is a ‘per transaction’ limit and will not exceed InterBank’s daily limit set at the bank level. (Default is $1,000/day for Signature based transactions and $1,000/day for Pin based transactions)

Alert Preferences

The default setting is to send alerts for all transactions. You may limit the alerts based on location, Merchant type, Transaction type, or spend limits.

Recent Transactions

View Card Transactions

The last 50 card transactions posted within the last 30 days are available. (Does not include any other transaction types such as checks, ACH debits or credits, teller transactions, etc.) You may also “Tag” a transaction with a category or add a Memo. This info does not show on your bank statement.

Linked Accounts

Set Low Balance alerts, view recent card transactions, and linked cards.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

How many cards can you register within Card Manager?

There is no limit.

Is there a fee for the Card Manager App?

There are no additional fees to utilize the card manager feature.

When cardholders receive a reissued or replacement card, will they have to update their cards within the application?

If the card number is new, then the user must “add” the new card number to the user’s profile. In addition, the user may delete the old card from the “Manage Portfolio” screen.

You can download the app on multiple devices but are requested to indicate which device is “primary.” What is the purpose of assigning a primary device? Can you make changes to the settings from the non-primary devices?

The primary device is used to track the GPS for “My Location” alerts and controls and all merchant and threshold alerts will be sent to the primary device. All devices that have registered a particular card can view or change the Card Manager settings for that card. Controls (including the “On/Off” setting) are set at the card level, so the last update to a control will be honored regardless of which phone was used to make the change. Alerts are set at the device level, so each primary device will receive alerts that were set up from that particular device. The primary device can be re-set by accessing “Settings – Primary Device.”

Why does my full address not fit during registration?

Card Manager will only allow up to 20 characters in the address field.

Controls and Alerts

A region has been set on the map. Does this mean the card can only be used exactly in this region?

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used. Card Manager can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Manager will default to a state-level match.

What exactly is the range of the “My Location” controls, and will this control setting impact internet transactions?

The My Location controls and alerts will check to ensure the merchant location is within a five (5) mile radius of the device set as “primary” within Card Manager. These controls impact “card present” transactions only, therefore internet transactions are not impacted.

What other types of alerts will be displayed in Card Manager?

All denied transactions will be displayed even if they were not denied based on a Card Manager setting. Examples include: Insufficient funds, daily limit exceeded, fraud detection, invalid PIN, etc.

If the card status is changed by the bank or the fraud department an alert will be sent. (Not a push notification)

How are controls established for various merchant types?

Specific merchant types have been created within Card Manager, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the “Alert Preferences” or “Control Preferences” screen. Each of the merchant types contains various Merchant Category Codes (MCC). Please note that it is possible for a retailer to forward an MCC that may differ from the Card Manager merchant type classification

How long does it take for a control or alert setting to take effect?

Setting changes take effect as soon as the “Updating information” message in the app stops.

If My Location is set but the primary device is off, will transactions get denied outside of the My Location area?

Card Manager ignores location information that is more than one (1) hour old. So, if the phone is off for more than an hour My Location controls will not take effect, and the transaction will not be denied on the basis of the old location information.

Will location controls, merchant controls, threshold controls, and turning the card “Off” impact previously authorized recurring transactions?

Previously authorized recurrent payments will continue to process and will bypass the Card Manager edit checks.

How do I receive notifications?

Push notifications are sent to the phone number Card Manager has on record. You will not receive notifications if you have turned the function “off” within Card Manager, or if the push notification setting in your phone is disabled.

Can notifications be turned off for a specific time period?

Yes. A “Do Not Disturb” time can be set that will stop most notifications being sent during that time. Transaction denial and in-person transaction notifications will still be sent. Notifications can also be accessed under the “Messages” tab within the Card Manager app.

When is the low balance alert generated?

Card Manager updates the balance under two conditions: 1) When you log into Card Manager, and 2) When you tap “Refresh.” Even if the balance has fallen below the threshold that has been set, it is only updated when you log into the app or tap “Refresh,” which then triggers the alert.


A threshold limit of $50 has been set but the user can’t fill gas in some stations. Why?

There are some merchant types where a merchant will pre-authorize the card for an amount that may be larger than the actual transaction amount. In this instance, the pre-authorization amount must meet the threshold spend limit.

A threshold limit of $50 has been set, but the user can fill gas in some stations for more than $50. Why?

Card Manager controls are only invoked during authorization of a transaction. In some cases, such as gas stations, a card may be tested for validity by doing a $1 pre-authorization, and the actual transaction amount is charged to the card after the transaction. Some gas stations will pre-authorize for a maximum amount, e.g. $126, and some gas stations will check validating, e.g. $1. In the latter case, the actual transaction amount may exceed the limit, while in the former case, an authorization may be denied.

InterBank Card Manager Collected Information: We may collect information regarding your mobile device such as device settings, unique device identifiers, information about your location, and analytical information that may assist with diagnostics and performance. For your convenience, you may be asked to grant permission for access to your mobile device’s geolocation data. This information may be collected when you use certain services that are dependent on your mobile device’s location (such as the location of an ATM or in-store transactions).

View our Card Manager App Privacy Policy here.

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